Chat Objects

Chat Event

All new posts and actions are of type Event.

export interface Event {
    roomid: string, // The ID of the room to which the event was sent.
    added?: string, // ISO 8601 timestamp.  Can be sent to set it, otherwise set by server.
    ts: number, // a millisecond level timestamp. Used for evaluating relative times between events. Do not rely on this as a true time value, use added.
    body: string, // Chat text
    active?: boolean,
    moderation?: EventModerationState,
    eventtype: EventType, // speech, purge, etc. Can hold custom types beyond those in the enum. The enum contains only system types.
    userid: string // the ID of the user who created the event.
    user: UserResult // the User object who created the event
    customtype?:string, // a custom type set for the event, or empty string
    customid?:string, // a custom id for the event, or empty string.
    custompayload?:object, // a custom payload added to the event, may be stringified JSON
    replyto?: EventResult | object, // the ID of the event that this event is a reply to
    reactions?:Array<EventReaction> // the reactions that have happened to this event.
    shadowban: boolean
    mutedby: []
    reports?: Array<ReportReason>


Every chat event has an EventType as part of the response. A chat event’s EventType will be used to select the callback function used to handle the event. The following EventType values are supported:

export enum EventType  {
    speech = "speech",
    purge= "purge",
    bounce = "bounce",
    reaction= "reaction",
    roomClosed= "roomclosed",
    reply="reply", // threaded replies
    quote= "quote",


export interface EventReaction {
    type: Reaction | string,
    count: number,
    users: UserResult[]

EventModeration Values

export enum EventModerationState {
    na = "na", // has not been moderated.
    approved = "approved", // Event was moderated and approved
    rejected = "rejected" // Event was moderated and rejected

Report Reasons

export enum EventModerationState {
    na = "na", // has not been moderated.
    approved = "approved", // Event was moderated and approved
    rejected = "rejected" // Event was moderated and rejected


Command Options EventType

Most EventTypes are set by the server. However, you can specify a few as part of the CommandOptions

export enum ChatOptionsEventType {
    announcement = "announcement",
    custom = "custom", // indicates use of customEventtype.  Needs to be set to use customttype field
    ad ="ad"
export enum CustomEventTypes {
    "goal" = "goal", // custom type


A chatroom is where chats take place. Items with ? after them are optional and defaults will be used if omitted.

export interface ChatRoom {
    id?: string, // set by server on creation.
    name:string, //The name of the room
    description?: string, // optional room description
    moderation?: ModerationType, // 'pre' or 'post'
    slug?:string,// The room slug, migrated to customid
    customid?: string,
    enableprofanityfilter?: boolean, //Defaults to true, events in room will have profanity filtered (in English).
    delaymessageseconds?: number, // Delays messages, used for throttling. Defaults to zero and most of the time that's what you will want.
    enableactions?: boolean, // Whether or not users can utilize action commands.
    roomisopen?: boolean, // allows chat
    maxreports?: number, // defaults to 3. The number of flags it takes to add a comment to the moderation queue.
    enableenterAndexit?: boolean, // Whether the room allows people to enter.  This is different than being open.  A room that denies entry can still be open and therefore allow chat by existing room members.
    throttle?: number //(optional) Defaults to 0. This is the number of seconds to delay new incomming messags so that the chat room doesn't scroll messages too fast.

Chat Configuration Objects


This is the configuration object for the ChatClient and EventService. It provides a set of callback functions that will be triggered when appropriate events are detected. If no callback is sent, then onChatEvent() will be called instead.

Example: if no callback is set for onAnnouncement then events with the announcement EventType will be passed to onChatEvent();

 * Also an optional member of the constructor.
 * Takes a full set of the possible event handlers.
 * Each handler can also be set individually.
export interface EventHandlerConfig {
    onChatStart?: Function;
    onNetworkResponse?(response: RestApiResult<any>);
    onChatEvent?(event: EventResult), // not mandatory but absolutely should be set in 99% of cases.
    onGoalEvent?(event: EventResult),
    onAdEvent?(event: EventResult),
    onAnnouncement?(event: EventResult),
    onReply?(event: EventResult),
    onReplace?(event: EventResult),
    onRemove?(event: EventResult),
    onAdminCommand?(response: RestApiResult<Kind.api>),
    onHelp?(result: MessageResult<Event | CommandResponse | null>),
    onNetworkError?(error: Error)
 * Chat commands.
export interface CommandOptions {
    eventtype?: ChatCommandEventType,
    customtype?: string,
    customid?: string,
    replyto?: string,
    custompayload?: string,
export interface QuoteCommandOptions extends CommandOptions {
    customfield1?: string,
    customfield2?: string,
    customtags?: string[]
 * Describes the options for the 'advertisement' custom type
export interface AdvertisementOptions {
    message?: string,
    img: string,
    link: string,
    id?: string,

Chat API Result Objects


ChatRooms are the context for chat events and realtime conversations.

interface ChatRoom {
    id?: string, // set by server on creation.
    name: string, //The name of the room
    description?: string, // optional room description
    moderation?: ModerationType, // 'pre' or 'post'
    slug?: string,// The room slug, migrated to customid
    customid?: string, // Optional, can be used for linking an ID in another system.
    enableprofanityfilter?: boolean, //Defaults to true, events in room will have profanity filtered (in English).
    delaymessageseconds?: number, // Delays messages, used for throttling. Defaults to zero and most of the time that's what you will want.
    enableactions?: boolean, // Whether or not users can utilize action commands.
    roomisopen?: boolean, // allows chat
    maxreports?: number, // defaults to 3. The number of flags it takes to add a comment to the moderation queue.
    enableenterAndexit?: boolean, // Whether the room allows people to enter.  This is different than being open.  A room that denies entry can still be open and therefore allow chat by existing room members.
    throttle?: number //(optional) Defaults to 0. This is the number of seconds to delay new incomming messags so that the chat room doesn't scroll messages too fast.


The Model describing the API result of a created room. The key difference between a ChatRoom and a ChatRoomResult objects will always have an ID, whereas ChatRoom objects do not have this guarantee.

export interface ChatRoomResult extends ChatRoom {
    id: string,
    kind?:,  // "" will always be there but is optional for APIs that require a ChatRoomResult
    appid?: string,
    bouncedusers?: string[], // will be a list of UserID strings.
    added?: string, // ISO Date
    whenmodified?:string // ISO Date


This is the response from the JoinRoom API call.

export interface JoinChatRoomResponse {
    user: UserResult,
    room: ChatRoomResult
    eventscursor: ChatUpdatesResult
    previouseventscursor?: string

ChatRoom List Response

 * The response for any room listing queries.
export interface ChatRoomListResponse extends ListResponse {
    kind: Kind.roomlist,
    rooms: Array<ChatRoomResult>,

ChatRoomSubscription List Response

 * The response for any room subscription queries.
export interface ChatRoomListResponse extends ListResponse {
     kind: Kind.userroomsubscriptions,
     subscriptions: Array<UserChatroomSubscription>,
 * The data model for room subscription list query entries.
export interface UserChatroomSubscription {
    kind: Kind.chatsubscription,
    id: string,
    roomid: string,
    roomcustomid?: string,
    userid: string,
    updated: string, // ISO 8601
    added: string, // ISO 8601

Event List Response

interface EventListResponse extends ListResponse {
    kind: Kind.eventlist,
    events: Array<EventResult>

Event Result

An EventResult is created whenever a chat event is accepted by a server, and represents the event model returned by the API.

interface EventResult extends Event {
    kind:, // Sent as part of API validation.  Generally no relevance for clients
    id: string, // The ID of a chat event. Generated by server
    censored: boolean,
    originalbody?: string,
    editedbymoderator: boolean
    whenmodified: string,

Chat Updates Result

This is produced whenever you call getEventUpdates() or automatically after you have started listening for updates.

interface ChatUpdatesResult {
    kind: Kind.chatlist,
    cursor: string
    more: boolean
    itemcount: number
    room: ChatRoomResult,
    events: EventResult[]

Join Room

This is wrapped by an ApiResult<> in the raw REST api.

interface JoinRoomResponse {
    room: ChatRoom,
    user: User

Exit Room

 * The response messsages for a RoomExit action.
export enum ChatRoomExitResult {
    success = "Success"

Delete Chat Room

interface DeletedChatRoomResponse {
    kind: Kind.deletedroom,
    deletedEventsCount: number,
    room: ChatRoom

Chat Command Response

interface CommandResponse {
    kind: Kind.chatcommand,
    op: string,
    room?: ChatRoomResult,
    speech?: EventResult
    action?: any

Bounce User Response

export interface BounceUserResult {
    kind: Kind.bounce,
    event: EventResult, // eventtype === 'bounce'
    room: ChatRoomResult